Ángel is a digital photographer and loves living in the city and getting around on foot or by public transport. The urban environment has always been where he likes living, therefore streets of any city or village are the scene of his photography. He aims to capture the essence of natural elements in urban settings or the city dwellers passing by.
He produces photography using in-camera techniques such as multiple exposure, Bokeh or reflections. The use of these techniques combined with his love of Avant-Gard art (specially Impressionism), provide an intriguing perspective in his photography that blurs the line with painting.
With his camera he portraits a world with no troubles, full of light-hearted vivacity, vibrant colours and light. There is a lot of reality in his work, although it appears transformed in the eyes of any viewer, making them to question what they actually see.
Ángel embraces photography as a discipline to explore his creativity but also as the best ‘tool’ to be present in the moment and produce a mindfulness state of mind. His style is in line with a type of photography that produces an emotional impact for his senses, where the form and especially the colour are the key elements in the production of his work.
Ángel Castillo Perona was born (1975) and raised in Madrid and he is currently based in Brussels (2006) and also, he has a strong link with London since his partner lives there.
He studied law at the University in Madrid, but without finally acquiring a strong vocation and without ending up working as a lawyer. Since 2006 he has a contract with the Permanent Representation of Spain to the European Union in Brussels, where he happily lives and where he began to discover photography. He has always been very passionate about images though, which he particularly discovered through films and he began to explore it in a more committed way when he bought his first SLR camera in 2010. His first exhibition was in 2019 under the name Impressions and Contrast’ organised by the Spanish Embassy to the Kingdom of Belgium, a starting point to growing as an artist.
Ángel has participated in numerous exhibitions throughout Europe.

Quand la lumière caresse Bruxelles
Bruxelles fait une pause et se débarrasse de son éternelle rudesse automnale lorsqu’elle se laisse caresser par la lumière du soleil. Elle nous montre ensuite un côté plus doux qui commence à inonder nos sens de couleurs et d’espoir. Tout devient plus détendu, plus calme et nous faisons plus attention à ce qui nous entoure. Les tons ternes s’évaporent et laissent place à une ville à laquelle nous aspirons et que nous souhaitons voir devenir éternelle. Les jours de pluie prennent enfin un sens et deviennent l’attente qui nous fera vivre des moments indélébiles dans une ville qui ne semble pas se reposer non plus. Lorsque la lumière caresse Bruxelles, nous voulons en faire partie pour toujours et il n’y a pas de couleur qui n’émerge, pas de sourire qui n’apparaisse. Bruxelles rayonne et devient un tableau impressionniste qui déborde de vitalité et de couleurs.
Cette sélection de photos démontre que Bruxelles a une couleur surprenante lorsqu’elle est baignée de lumière.

L’exposition « Schieven Regards IV » organisée par le collectif de photographes « Bruxelles Pixels » s’est tenue du 4 au 19 décembre 2021 de 14h à 18h au centre d’arts pluriels ‘AUTONOMIE dans le cadre de « ZOOM, la quinzaine de la photographie à Bruxelles« .
The exhibition « Schieven Regards IV » organised by the photographer’s collective Bruxelles Pixels took place from 4 to 19 December 2021 from 2pm to 6pm at the arts centre ‘AUTONOMIE as part of ZOOM, la quinzaine de la photographie à Bruxelles.
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Bruxelles Pixels remercie pour leur soutien / Bruxelles Pixels thanks for their support :
Ars Varia, la COCOF, ZOOM la quinzaine de la photographie de Bruxelles, Mikemuka, ‘AUTONOMIE, Colorfields & Artesio
@bruxellespixels #schievenregards #makebrusselstofagain @mikemuka_photolab #cocof
@arsvaria @autonomie_brussels @artesio_bruxelles @colorfields_
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