Schieven Regards V – Kevin Scarlett : « Julien »

Kevin is a English photographer and designer based in Brussels. He’s interested in everyday life, people, community, whether global or local.
Taking pictures is his way of understanding where the connections lie. He endeavours to go beyond ‘More than seeing’. He try’s to capture essence, emotions, enigmatic light and shadow, all played within complex yet simple frames.

In 1619 the city of Brussels commissioned the sculptor Hiëronymus Duquesnoy the task of replacing the old stone fountain known as the Julianekensborre with the bronze statuette we know today. Little did he know that four centuries later it would be the adopted mascotte of the city and enjoy wider global fame.
Perhaps best known as ‘Manneken Pis’, but also as Julianske, Petit Julien or simply the Little Peeing Boy. He is a global phenomenon, a true member of the global community and beloved by everyone.
In times of polarisation and division, it is important to recognise and celebrate the things that bring us together. Manneken Pis is one of them and 2019 brought the four-hundredth anniversary of his being. Situated in central Brussels, the world throngs at his feet daily, either in half- hearted worship or utter disbelief.
An alter ego for the person we all want to be, rebel, angel, an I don’t give a damn personality that we all can appreciate. It is no wonder he is the proud symbol of Brussels and of Belgium. Split in all their diversity yet unified in the common disregard for the normal, where surreal is the norm and reality absurd. The Anti-hero gives one finger to the establishment, to his unassumed role as international celebrity and has indeed not given a damn for over four centuries!
In 2017 Kevin Scarlett, a Brit who has called Brussels his home for more than 30 years began a 2 year photo project to try to capture what he found unique and noteworthy of the area around this famous fountain.
What started off as a photographic exploration gradually evolved. He found himself confronted with not only hoards of babbeling daytrippers, students and hen parties but also many conflicting views on globalisation, fraternity and tourism.

L’exposition « Schieven Regards V » organisée par le collectif de photographes « Bruxelles Pixels » aura lieu du 3 au 18 décembre 2022 au centre d’arts pluriels ‘AUTONOMIE dans le cadre de la deuxième édition de « ZOOM, la quinzaine de la photographie à Bruxelles« .
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Bruxelles Pixels remercie pour leur soutien / Bruxelles Pixels thanks for their support :
Ars Varia, la COCOF, ZOOM la quinzaine de la photographie de Bruxelles , Jo&Z Lab & Artesio
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@arsvaria @autonomie_brussels @artesio_bruxelles
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